Related video: How to customize the Online Registration Site (Manage Site page)
This page handles the customizations for the website that parents will use to register their child for your Awana Club. It defaults to the details for the current club year. There is also an option to pre-register for the upcoming club year.
To set up pre-registration, check the box in the main menu bar to "Show {next club year} for pre-registration." The pre-registration option is for a calendar that has not yet been set up. Any pending registrations will be read-only. Once the club year has been created and set up, pending registrations can be edited and accepted. After checking the pre-registration option, the Manage Site page will show details for the pre-registration club year. To work with the current club year, uncheck the box. Each registration site will have a unique url so both can be active at the same time. This is primarily helpful when using the db for VBS to handle registrations for both VBS and Awana.
Use the button in the top right corner of the Manage Site page to Activate or Deactivate the Online Registration Site for the selected club year. When the Site is Active, parents will be able to view the form and register their child. When the Site is Inactive, the Inactive Message, which can be customized on the Edit page, will show instead.
Preview the page at any time by tapping/clicking the Preview Online Registration Site button.
The URL shown on this page is the link for parents to access the registration site. It can be put on your church website or included in an email to make it easy for parents to open the registration page in a browser. The Copy URL to Clipboard button makes it easy to copy/paste the url as needed. Note that this URL is specific to your church and will only show the site that you customize using the settings on this Manage Site page.
The information listed below is initially shown as read-only text. (Note: Only fields with data will be shown on the read-only page, but all are included in edit mode.) Tap/click the Edit button*to edit the information. Then use the Save Changes button
to save the changes. Or use the Done or Discard Changes button
to leave edit mode without saving the changes.
<Club Year> is active – check this option to allow access to the Online Registration Site for the selected club year. If the option is not checked, set an Inactive Message, which parents will see on the site instead of the registration form. Also, see "URL Tip" below.
Send Confirmation Email - check the box to automatically send a "Registration Confirmation" email when registration is completed. It will be sent to the email address provided during the online registration process for Parent 1. The confirmation email includes: Church Name, Club Name, Club Year, Clubber's Name, Group Name (i.e. Sparks, T&T, etc.), and Registration Status. IMPORTANT: an email address must be provided under the Church Info section of the Club > Info page. To receive a copy of the confirmation email to the club email address, check the additional box.
Waitlist – the list of clubs for the Active Year, along with each club's maximum number of clubbers that can be accepted before starting the Waitlist. For pre-registrations, where the next year has not been set up yet, the current year's clubs are used for determining waitlists. (TIP: To prevent confusion, only use the pre-registration option if the same club names will be used in the next club year. Otherwise, wait to activate Online Registrations after running the new year setup process, so the new club names can be defined and used.)
Landing Page – the initial welcome page parents see after clicking on the url:
- Title – the title to show at the top of the registration site, under the church's name
- Description – any message to the parents displayed on the landing page above the Register Now button (Defaults to "We are excited to have you join us in Awana this year!") Also, see "URL Tip" below.
- Image – the image shown at the top of the registration site. Tap/Click Upload Image to select a new image from your file system. Tap/Click Delete Image to not include an image on the Online Registration site.
Member Form – the member information included on the registration form under Clubber Info and Medical Info:
- These fields are not customizable and will always be visible and required on the member form: First Name, Last Name, Gender, Birth Date, Grade
- These fields are not visible by default and must be selected within the Visible Fields dropdown menu in order to show on the member form: Title, Suffix, Preferred Name, School, Custom Text Area (See more info below), Has Special Needs, Allergic To, Last Tetanus Shot, Doctor Name & Phone #, Dentist Name & Phone #, Insurance CO & Policy #, Other Medical Info, Medical Release, Photo Use Permission, Other Permission
- Once a field is selected as visible, it will appear as an option in the Required Fields dropdown menu. Any field selected in the Required Fields dropdown menu requires data be entered within the Online Registration Site.
- If Medical Release, Photo Use Permission or Other Permission is visible, set the related text to display on the Online Registration Site. Once the parent reads the text, they need to check a box that verifies they read it and understand their electronic signature is the legal equivalent of their handwritten signature. This enables the signature field so the parent can type their name as their signature. If the field is set as required, both its verification checkbox and its signature field are required. Also, see "URL Tip" below.
Household Form – the household information included on the registration form under Household Info and Contact Info:
- These fields are always visible on the household form but may be set as not required or required: Address, City, State, Postal Code; Parent 1 and Parent 2 information; Emergency Contact information.
- These fields are not visible by default and must be selected within the Visible Fields dropdown menu in order to show on the household form: Church, Non-parent pickup, Custom Text Area (See more info below)
- Once a field is selected as visible, it will appear as an option in the Required Fields dropdown menu. Any field selected in the Required Fields dropdown menu requires data be entered within the Online Registration Site.
- These fields default to being required and must be deselected if they should not be required: Address, City, State, Postal Code
Confirmation Page – the confirmation page parents see after completing a registration:
- Confirmation Text – the text to show on the confirmation page (Defaults to "Thank you for registering!") Also, see "URL Tip" below.
Custom Text Area – if this field is set to visible, there is an additional option to customize the label used for the multi-line text area field. There are two fields on the registration form (one in the member section and one in the household section) that can be customized. Be aware that the data provided by the parent in this field will only be saved in the registration record; it will not be merged into the member record when the registration is accepted.
URL Tip: The following fields are capable of showing links to other websites within their text:
Inactive Message
Landing Page, Description
Text for Medical Release
Text for Photo Use Permission
Text for Other Permission
Confirmation Text
To create the link, use a html code. For example, in the Confirmation Text:
Thank you for registering for Awana! Please <a target="_blank" href="">pay your registration fees here</a>.
Where is the target url. And pay your registration fees here is the text that becomes the link. The target="_blank" will open the url in a new tab/window; leave that out to replace the registration page with the linked page.