Members > Check-In
Modified on: Tue, 20 Feb, 2024 at 1:33 PM
Related video: How to check-in members.
Use the far-right button in the toolbar, below the Member Details tabs, to select a view:
button shows the Year view with each session in the selected Club Year shown as a row in a table; the
button shows the Today view with only the details of the selected Club Date's session.
Either view can be printed by tapping/clicking the Print button
in the toolbar.
Today View
When a member is added and assigned to a club, a check-in record is created for the person for each date the club meets. The information on this page shows the member's record for the current club date that is selected on the Top Menu Bar. It is used to track attendance and other items related to a member's attendance such as wearing a uniform or bringing a Bible. In addition to the attendance information, the record tracks the member's role status, role type, club name, team name, team color, and team leader assignments. The status, type, and club name are shown at the top of the Check-in page and are read-only. Changes for these items must be made in the Role info on the Personal page. Team leader, team color, and team name can optionally be shown at the bottom of the page (see details under the Display Options section below). These can be changed on the Check-in page, but it will ONLY modify the Current Club Week data. To change team information for the remainder of the year, edit the Role info on the Personal page. If any of this information changes during the year, the historical data will be shown on the Check-in page when selecting a date in the past.
Points are automatically awarded for each of the check-in items, as defined on the Club > Setup > Points page. The Other Points field can be used to track anything that is not currently available within the database. Some examples are for tracking extra points for doing a good deed, saying a section word perfect, getting a parent signature, or completing certain sections that leadership considers worth more points.
Display Options
Select the Show Display Options button
in the toolbar to indicate which items to track on the Check-in page. Check the boxes for items to display and uncheck those to hide. "Session Info" shows the Team leader, Team color, and Team name information at the bottom of the Check-in page. There are two fields whose names can be customized to meet the needs of your club (by a user with Edit permission for Club Setup). A few examples are Water Bottle, Tennis Shoes, and On Time. The changes will take affect once Ok is pressed.
Check-in Items
The following items may be tracked using checkboxes:
- Club Attendance (w/ Mark Excused link)
- Church Attendance (w/ Mark Excused link)
- Uniform
- Bible
- Handbook
- Bonus - commonly used for participation on a theme night
- Custom (1) - may be labeled and used for additional items to be tracked
- Custom (2) - may be labeled and used for additional items to be tracked
- Dues Paid
- Offering Given
Additionally, the following items may be tracked by entering numbers or dollar amounts:
- Game Points
- Other Points - can be a negative number
- Points Spent - a positive number to be subtracted from Net Points
- Dues Amount ($) - a payment record will be created/modified/deleted according to the amount specified
- Offering Amount ($)
To set the Number of visitors, click the Add a Visitor button
for each visitor and fill in the information in the Add a Visitor dialog. If the visitor is already in the database, select the person from the dropdown menu. (The clubber must have a status of Visitor to show as an option.) If they are not in the database, then uncheck the box and fill in the visitor's information. Watch the How to add a new member video to learn more about adding new members.
There is also a Note field which can be used to track additional information such as how the Other Points were earned. This field is limited to 50 characters.
Year View
The Year view is currently read-only and shows an entire year of check-in records. Each row includes data for a specific session (date). Use the Show Display Options button
to select which columns to include: - Role Status
- Club Name
- Team Leader
- Team Name
- Club Attendance
- Club Attendance Excused
- Church Attendance
- Church Attendance Excused
- Uniform
- Bible
- Handbook
- Bonus
- Dues Paid
- Dues Amount
- Offering Given
- Offering Amount
- Number of Visitors
- Game Points
- Other Points
- Custom Check-in 1
- Custom Check-in 2
- Points Spent
- Note
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