Related video: How to mark handbook sections.

The Books page is used to track all of the handbooks assigned to a member as well as the member's progression in the handbooks. As sections are marked in a book, the appropriate awards are automatically generated. Also, points are automatically awarded, as defined on the Club > Setup > Points page.

Members > Books toolbar:

Assign handbookAssign Handbook* – opens a dialog to choose which book to add to the member's handbook list. First, select a handbook from the dropdown list. If the book is not in the dropdown list, tap/click the Change Handbook List buttonChange handbook liston the menu bar to show the following list of display options, with each option showing more books than the previous one:

  • Show books marked as "In Use"** for current club (default)
  • Show all books marked as "In Use"**
  • Show all books, including obsolete and not "In Use"**

The Assign Handbook dialog also allows setting the following details:

  • Translation – if the selected book has a choice of translations, select one from the dropdown list. (Defaults to the member's preferred translation if there is one; otherwise defaults to the System Settings' default translation.)
  • Award Set – if the selected book has a choice of award sets, select one from the dropdown list. This is useful for using old inventory or any award other than what Awana recommends. (Defaults to Awana's currently recommended awards.)
  • Primary – select this checkbox to make the new book the primary one and remove the primary status from any other book assigned to the member. Leaving Primary unchecked will keep the current primary book marked as primary. [Note: Unless a previous primary book is an incomplete Entrance Booklet, its Current status will also be cleared.]
  • Current   if Primary is unchecked, you will have the choice of whether or not the new book should be marked as Current. (Books marked as Current will be included in certain reports generated by the Windows App.)
  • For use in Windows App - inventory and fees may be tracked using the Windows App.  You may select to create a fee (if price > $0.01), mark the received status for the fee record and/or adjust the inventory.  [Note: the defaults for these options may be set in the Windows App under Admin > Options > Misc.]

Tip: if you are assigning a new book during registration, but a clubber is still working on last year's book, uncheck the Primary checkbox before saving. Then, when the old book is completed, you can accept the confirmation to make this new book Primary.

Remove handbookRemove Handbook* – removes the selected handbook, including all awards associated with the book. Review the book and member name before confirming the removal.

Edit handbookEdit Handbook* – opens a dialog to change the handbook details, including:
  • Award Set – select a different award set from the dropdown list (when applicable).
  • Mark all required sections as completed – check the box to have all the required sections in the book marked as completed. This can be used when entering historical books. No awards will be generated. If a club date is used as the Completion Date, points will be awarded; so choose a non-club date if points are not desired. (This option will be disabled if all sections in this book have already been marked as completed.)
  • Primary – There should always be at least one book marked as Primary, so if this book is already designated as the primary book, this checkbox will be disabled. In order to make it not primary, edit the preferred primary book and mark it as Primary instead. If this book is not already the primary one, check this box to make it primary and remove the primary status from any other book assigned to the member.
  • Current – If the member is actively working in a handbook, mark it as current. (All primary books are automatically considered to be a current book.)   

Show display optionsPrint  opens the Print dialog with a printer friendly view of the current handbook page.

The two views of the Books page can be toggled using the button on the far right of the toolbar: 

Show handbook listShow Handbook Sections – displays all sections for the selected book. If no book selection has been made, it will default to showing the member's primary handbook. Use the Book dropdown menu to select a different book. Mark a section's checkbox to indicate it has been completed.

The award due for a section group is shown on the right. Upon completion, the award lights up, a pop-up notice appears and the award is assigned to the member. Next to the award is an icon to track if the award has been received. Award receivedindicates it was received by the member. Award not receivedindicates it has not been received.  Tap/click the icon to toggle between the two choices.

Show display optionsShow Display Options (Handbook Sections view only)  opens the Member Handbook Options dialog. Check the box to show section completion dates.

Show handbook listShow Handbook List – displays all assigned handbooks with the following information:

  • Handbook photo, name and translation
  • Award set
  • Primary book indicator
  • Current book indicator
  • Completion date
  • Award due upon book completion, or award earned (with received status indicator as described above)
  • Required sections - percent completed (hover over the percentage - or tap and hold on a small device - to show # of completed sections / total sections)
  • Extra credit sections - percent completed for each type of extra credit group in the book (hover over the percentage - or tap and hold on a small device - to show # of completed sections / total sections for each group

Permission settings may prevent this from showing. See DB Users Permissions for details.

** Changing the "In Use" status is not available in the Web App at this time. "In use" status may be changed using the Windows App.