Related video: How to edit a member's personal info.
The Personal page is used to track information related to the member including Club, Household, Contact, Miscellaneous and Medical Info as well as Permissions and Notes. (This tab will be disabled if a user's permission is set to No Access for Members, Personal Info.)
Tap/click the Print button to print the member's personal information.
The information listed below is initially shown as read-only text. (Note: Only fields with data will be shown on the read-only page, but all are included in edit mode.) Tap/click the Edit button*to add or change information. Then use the Save Changes button
to save the changes. Or use the Done or Discard Changes button
to leave edit mode without saving the changes.
General information:
- Title, First Name, Last Name, Suffix, Preferred Name, Pronunciation
- Gender, Birth Date (Age is calculated based on birth date)
- Flag (example: use colored flags to mean different things, such as: a question for the member, needs a new name tag, is missing paperwork, or they volunteered for something)
- Code (example: create codes for actions to take given food allergies, such as 'X' for no food allowed at club, 'O' for only eat what they bring)
- External ID (useful if matching AWdb record to an external database)
- Person Status (read-only, determined by various Role Statuses)
- Photo
Primary Role information:
- Role Status, Role Type, Club Name
- For clubbers: Grade, Team Leader, Team Color, Team Name
- For leaders: Role Position, Team Color, Team Name
- Uniform (In edit mode, Select <None>, <Other>, or a uniform from inventory. If <Other> is selected, you can specify a custom description. Use the
button to change the list of uniform choices.)
- Is registered and registration date (In edit mode, when a member's registration is marked as current, their Status is changed to Active. If they are a Clubber, a Fee for Dues is created, and their various Permission forms are marked according to System Settings.)
- Has paid dues in full (When a member has paid dues in full, the check-in page's Dues Paid checkbox will be checked and disabled for all weeks, so the member will get dues points according to club point settings.)
Other Role information:
- If the Primary Role is for a Trek or Journey clubber, there will either be an "Add as a Student Leader" button here or there will be role information to describe the clubber's Student Leader position. (Clubbers in younger clubs will not have the option of adding an "Other" role.)
- If the Primary Role is for a Leader, there will either be a
button here or there will be role information to describe the leader's other role. A leader can have any number of "Other" roles, but only the Primary one will have registration and dues info. (We recommend only creating an additional role for a leader if they need multiple attendance records, like if they lead clubs that meet at different times or on different nights.)
- Use the
button to delete any "Other" roles.
Household information:
- Filing Name (links to Household Module*)
- Parent(s)
- Non-parent pickup
- Church
- Household Status
- Other Members (links to other Member records*)
Contact information:
- Street Address, City, State, Postal Code
- Phone and email contacts (use the
buttons to add and delete contact info)
Miscellaneous information:
- Date Joined
- Preferred Bible Translation
- School
- Primary Language, Secondary Language
- Is a Christian, Rebirth Date and Baptism Date
Medical information:
- Include on Medical list
- Has Special needs
- Allergies
- Last Tetanus Shot
- Doctor and Dentist info
- Insurance info
- Other medical info
- Activity Participation
- Travel
- Photo Use
- Medical Release
- Other (designate)
* Permission settings may prevent this from showing. See DB Users Permissions for details.