The Awards page is used to track all of the awards a member has earned. Most awards will be assigned/removed automatically as handbook sections and handbooks are marked as completed/uncompleted. Besides viewing and editing those awards, other types of awards can also be assigned and removed using the tools on this page.
For each award, the image is shown along with the Award Note, Source, Earned Date, and Received Date. Next to each award is an icon to track if the award has been received.indicates it was received by the member.
indicates it has not been received. Tap/click the icon to toggle between the two choices.
Members > Awards toolbar:
Assign Award* – opens a dialog to choose which award the member has earned. First, select an award from the dropdown list. If the award is not in the dropdown list, tap/click the Change Award List button
on the menu bar to show the following options, with each option showing more awards than the previous one:
- Show awards marked as "In Use"** for current club (default)
- Show all awards marked as "In Use"**
- Show all awards, including obsolete and not "In Use"**
The Add Award dialog also allows setting the following details:
- Award Source – select the reason the award was earned from the dropdown list. (Choices are: Book, Church Attendance, Club Attendance, Donation, Event, Other, Section, Section Group, Service, or Training. If "Book" is selected an additional field is enabled to identify the Handbook.)
- Date Earned – choose the date the award was earned (defaults to the current club date selected on the Top Menu Bar)
- Received / Received Date – mark whether or not the award was received, and if so, also provide the date it was received
- Note – use this field to track any additional information about the award

- Award (tap/click
as described above, to change the award choices)
- Award Source
- Date Earned
Received / Received Date
- Note

- Show only awards for selected award sources (shows any awards with matching award sources as indicated when the award was created - see above)
- Show awards earned
- today (shows any awards the member earned on the current club date that is selected on the Top Menu Bar.)
- this year (shows any awards the member earned within the current club year that is selected on the Top Menu Bar.)
- Show awards that are
- received (shows any awards the member earned that have been marked as Received.)
- not received (shows any awards the member earned that have NOT been marked as Received.)
* Permission settings may prevent this from showing. See DB Users Permissions for details.
** Changing the "In Use" status is not available at this time. "In use" status may be changed using the Windows Remote Client.