Related videos: How to use DB User Permissions and How to use a Member Filter within DB User Permissions.

By editing a user's permissions, an admin user can control which buttons / tabs / information are accessible. Each permission is listed below with the user interface component(s) or information it controls.


An administrator has full access to the app, with no restrictions. In order to restrict functionality for a user, uncheck this setting then select appropriate permissions. Besides being able to access features in the rows below, an admin user will see the following:
The global Search button in the top menu bar.
The "System Settings" option in the User menu.
The "Setup new year" option within the top menu bar's Club Year options.
The ability to add/delete/modify Public filters.
The ability to save default Display Options for either new users or all users.
Allow access using the Windows App
The Windows App may allow access to data a user might be limited in accessing in the Web app. Access to related modules (such as DB Users) will be the same, but it does not currently recognize the member filter permissions. To prevent access to the Windows App, uncheck this selection. {Note: If a user is given access, separate permissions may be set in the Windows App to limit access to its modules.}
Club InfoNo AccessThe Club > Info tab is disabled.

Read OnlyThe Club > Info tab shows information, but there is no Edit button.

EditThe Edit button is visible on the Club > Info page.
Club SetupNo Access
The Club > Setup tab is disabled.

Read Only
The Club > Setup tab shows points and calendar information and allows the user to switch clubs, but records cannot be changed. There are no Add, Delete or Edit buttons on the Club > Setup > Calendar page.

The point fields are editable along with the custom check-in field names. (The custom fields can also be edited within the Check-in Display Options dialog.)  The Add, Delete and Edit buttons are visible on the Club > Setup > Calendar page.
DB UsersNo Access
The DB Users option is not available within the left side menu.

Read Only
The DB Users page shows the list of users and the selected user's information, but there are no Add, Delete, Edit or Logout buttons.

The Add, Delete, Edit and Logout buttons are visible on the DB Users page.
No Access
The Households option is not available within the left side menu.

Full Access
The user will have full access to any household in the database, including editing and deleting Payment and Fee records within the Ledger. Also, the Household Info section of the Members > Personal tab will include a link to go to the related Household > Info page.
MembersNo Access
The Members option is not available within the left side menu.

Limited AccessAccess to specific members is limited by the filter criteria set after clicking the Set Member Filter button. Even if the user clears all of the filter criteria within their Current Member Filter, the members shown in the list will still be limited by the criteria set in the permission's filter. Also, the permission's filter will determine the criteria options the user will see within their Filter dialog. (Read Only and Edit capabilities are set using the various Member permissions below.)

Full AccessThe user will have access to any member in the database, including seeing links to Other Members within the Household Info section of the Member's Personal tab. (Read Only and Edit capabilities are set using the permissions below.)

No Add or Delete
When checked, there will be no Add or Delete button at the top of the member list.  Also, while the user will be able to add visitors who are already in the database, they will not be able to create new visitors.
Members, Awards
Read Only
There is no Edit button on the Members > Awards page. Also, the Received / Not Received button is disabled for each award, including on the Members > Books pages.  Be aware that awards will still be automatically created/deleted when marking handbook sections, even if this setting is selected.

The Edit button is visible on the Members > Awards page. Also, the Received / Not Received button is enabled for each award, including on the Members > Books pages.

No Add or Delete
There are no Add or Delete buttons on the Members > Awards page. Be aware that awards will still be automatically created/deleted when marking handbook sections, even if this setting is checked.
Members, Check-in
Read Only
The various check-in fields are disabled.

The various check-in fields are enabled.
Members, Handbooks
Read Only
There is no Edit button on the Members > Books page. Also, the section checkboxes are disabled.

The Edit button is visible on the Members > Books page and the section checkboxes are enabled.

No Add or Delete
There are no Add or Delete buttons on the Members > Books page.
Members, Personal Info
No Access
The Members > Personal tab is disabled.

Read Only
There is no Edit button on the Members > Personal page.

The Edit button is visible on the Members > Personal page.
RegistrationsNo Access
The Online Registration option is not available within the left side menu.

Read Only
The Online Registration pages show the lists of registrations and the selected registration's information, but there are no Accept, Delete, or Edit buttons. Also, the website customization information is shown but not editable.

The Accept, Delete and Edit buttons are visible on the Pending, Accepted and Manage Website pages.