Version 2.6.0, released 3/7/2025

New Features

  • Communication records - storing and using phone numbers and e-mail addresses has been significantly changed:

    • Most phone numbers and e-mail addresses will be associated to a specific person

    • Shared phone numbers or e-mail addresses (like a Home Phone or shared Family e-mail address) can be associated to the Household

  • Contacts (people with phone numbers or e-mail addresses associated with a household, like a Parent or Emergency Contact) - will be added as persons in the database and will be listed as members in the household. A member of another household can be included as a secondary contact of a household.

  • Household perspective - each person’s record will include a Household Relationship (Father/Mother, Son/Daughter, Grandfather/Grandmother, Friend, etc.) and a Household Contact Type (Parent, Emergency, etc.). These fields will be populated for existing members based on current data, but can be updated. [Leaders will be Adults / Head of Household; Clubbers will be Child / son/daughter].

  • Data Conversion - phone / email records stored in the old (Legacy) format have been retained, but need to be converted. Conversion processes have been included in both the Windows App and the Web App.

  • Team Colors - more team color selections have been added.  ‘In use’ options can be set in the Windows App under Admin > System Settings > Generic Lookups by selecting ‘Colors’. 

  • Location - a default location can be set for each Club Name (in the Windows App under Admin > Club Setup > Club Names, Logos, Dues and Points). Additional locations can be added and used in the Role record.


  • Add Member dialog - updated to better collect information for the new communication records.

  • Member > Personal page - the read-only page will show household information (including phone /e-mail records) but the edit page now only handles information for the selected member

  • Households module - updated to use the new communication records:

    • Info - information for the household, including all persons associated with the household and contact information (phone / email)

    • Members - information for persons who are Club Members with functionality used to manage member information (registration, status, handbooks, uniforms, etc.)

  • Online Registration - updated to better collect and process information for the new communication records.

Version 2.5.2, released 10/28/2024


  • Online Registration's waitlists' max counts are now saved for each year instead of getting overwritten/reused 
  • Added some min/max validation to date pickers throughout the app 

Bug Fixes

  • No longer throwing an exception when adding a payment for dues without a dues fee to apply the payment to 
  • Fixed a scrolling issue on the Books > sections page for books with a required Bring a Friend section. 
  • Fixed the styling of the multi-options Save button for non-admin users
  • DB User's 'Is Admin' value now shows 'Yes' or 'No' as expected (instead of '1' or '0')

Version 2.5.1, released 8/27/2024


  • Added a message in an empty Member List to remind users to update their filter to show "Inactive" members if they've just setup a new club year. 
  • Added some custom Discovery Land curriculum. 

Bug Fixes

  • The Members info in the top menu bar no longer disappears when the member list is empty
  • Fixed an issue where the Dues Pd in Full flag was getting reset. 

Version 2.5.0, released 8/1/2024


  • Updated to use latest version of underlying technology packages - Angular (v18.1) and Node (22.5.1).

Version 2.4.6, released 7/30/2024


  • The Online Registration Site will no longer timeout on parents entering registrations.

Bug Fixes

  • No longer getting an error if setting the status for a member with multiple 

Version 2.4.5, released 7/26/2024


  • Added a button on the Online Registration > Manage Site page to make it easier to Activate / Deactivate the current year's registration site.
  • Inventory items have been updated to match Awana's 2024-2025 catalog.
  • Per the notice that was sent to customers in April, we have completed converting all user passwords to a more secure format. Any user who had not yet updated their password to use this format will now be forced to do so before logging in.

Bug Fixes

  • Now encoding any spaces in the online registration site's generated url so that it no longer causes an issue when clicked on.
  • No longer getting an error when saving a waitlist item or custom text field on the Online Registration > Manage Site page.

Version 2.4.4, released 5/31/2024


  • All the steps to complete a registration, like assigning books, assigning uniforms, and creating and paying fees, can now be done on the Household screen (similar to the registration wizard on the Windows App).
  • Splitting a household (or moving to another household) works consistently across the web app and Windows App. Fees and payments will remain in the former household to prevent the ledger from getting messed up. Only phone numbers and emails linked to the person being split will transfer to the new household.
  • Account credits and discounts can now be associated to a particular fee and will be reflected as a credit to the fee in the ledger.
  • The Web App ledger displays fees and payments using a simplified accounting method, but now applies payments to fees in the background so that it is compatible with the Windows App and the Household Account statement produced by the Windows App. For more fine grained application of payments to fees, still use the Windows App.
  • Use of deprecated database fields have been removed in both the Web App and Windows App.
  • Allow multiple club years to be open for Online Registration at once
  • Add VBS logic to New Year Setup
  • Make phone's Carrier field optional, when Ok to Text is selected.
  • Online registration can be configured to send a confirmation email to parents after a successful registration or a waitlist.

Bug Fixes

Version 2.4.3, released 3/9/2024


  • Date formats for regions outside the United States are now supported (dd/mm/yyyy and yyyy/mm/dd).

Bug Fixes

  • The Club>Today>Team Points page is now properly displayed when a user has limited access to members.

Version 2.4.2, released 2/2/2024


  • Club>Year>Handbooks and Members>Books>Show Handbooks List now show the percentage complete of both the required sections and the extra credit sections broken out by extra credit section group.
  • The Club>Today>Team Points screen now allows the entry of Team Points in addition to individual member points.
  • Point calculations for leaders can be disabled by Club Name on the Club>Setup>Points.
  • Members>Awards now shows earned awards as a filterable and sortable list along with the date earned
  • T&T books now group extra credit sections by Silver, Gold, & Mission Pray GO instead of by the order they appear in the book.
  • The Romans book, the Galatians/Ephesians book, and the Journey Bible Reading books now list the Bible reading book names and the Service and Training section names instead of numbers.

Bug Fixes

  • For the T&T handbooks that include the start zone sections, checking off start zone sections now correctly trigger awards in all cases.

Version 2.4.1, released 1/6/2024


  • Users who forget their password can now click Forgot Password to set a new password as long as their email address is correctly set.
  • Passwords are now stored more securely in the database. All users will be required to change their password to update to this new format.
  • When a user forgets their password or requests a password change, they will be sent an email with a link to the web app when they will change their password.
  • Users can now use passkeys in addition to passwords. To create a passkey, login, then select your user menu, and select Create Passkey.  To login, click in the username field and the browser should suggest the passkey you created (this feature may depend on your browser settings) or enter your customer number and username then click Login with Passkey.


  • Admin users can no longer set another user's password. Admin users can set another user's email address and then notify them to click Forgot Password to set their password.

Version 2.4.0, released 11/14/2023


  • The security of login and logout has been improved.
  • Users can now be logged in to both the Windows app and Web app without any warnings, but this now counts as usage of two licenses.
  • Licenses will now automatically be released from users who forget to logout.

Version 2.3.5, released 10/19/2023

Bug Fixes

  • Adding a visitor via the Checkin page no longer throws an exception.

Version 2.3.4, released 10/18/2023

Bug Fixes

  • If a member is "selected" by using the global search field and that member is also in the member list, the list's data will now get updated as it is updated in the detailed pages. (For example, changing the team color in the Check-in or Personal tabs will immediately change the team color for that member within the member list)
  • Fixed a race condition that allowed a member's session data to get mixed up with another member's in rare circumstances. (We have manually found and fixed places where this occurred in customer databases

Version 2.3.3, released 10/10/2023

Bug Fixes

  • The Edit button will now show up on the Households > Info page for non-admin users who have permission to edit households.
  • Fixed an issue where session info might not get saved correctly if the global Search field was used immediately after a change was made on the Check-in page.
  • The Member List and Households List will now print correctly on a Windows computer.


  • Any white space entered within the Login page's textfields will now be trimmed automatically before attempting to log in. 

Version 2.3.2, released 09/15/2023

Bug Fixes

  • The Waitlist's Move to Pending button is no longer permanently disabled.
  • Clicking a main menu item on the phone will now show the appropriate list page instead of going directly to a detail page.
  • Fixed an issue where filters weren't getting updated in some cases if a different user logged in using the same window as a user who logged out.
  • Cleaned up a few UI issues in the top menu bar.
  • Club > Today > Team Points is now be correctly adding points for visitors and student leaders.
  • Fixed a layout issue when using Firefox.


  • Added "team name" and "team name / team color" grouping options to Club > Today > Team Points 
  • Now using T&T instead of T&T UA and UC for the initial default club names when setting up a brand new database.
  • Updated the counting of a Waitlist's existing registrations to only include clubbers with an Active status.

Version 2.3.1, released 08/26/2023

Bug Fixes

  • No longer allowing empty strings to be saved as the Custom check-in field names
  • No longer updating the text that parents enter during Online Registration if it's less than 4 letter or if it's already mixed case. For example, JOHN SMITH or john smith will become John Smith. But FBC and McArthur will stay as is.
  • Fixed an issue where user preferences weren't not getting updated if multiple users logged in and out within the same browser window / tab.
  • The users' permission string is no longer getting messed up when a user edits their account via the My Account dialog.


  • We have updated our Freshdesk url from to, given the change in ownership. Unfortunately, this will break any links or images within any existing support emails or bookmarks. Please update them as needed.
  • Now providing a drop down list for parents to choose an existing church or school during Online Registration. They can also choose <None> or <Other>. If <Other> is selected, a text field will appear for them to type in a new name.  TIP: If you have different variations of the same names, such as "FBC" and "First Baptist Church", you will probably want to decide which one you'd like to use, update all the records to use it, then delete the old/unused one. This can be a tedious process, but running direct queries, instead of editing fields within the UI, can make it much easier. The How to Clean up Church and School names 
  • On the Online Registration Site and Members > Personal > Edit page, we are no longer disabling the Save button until all fields are valid. You are now able to click the Save button to validate the form and show the error messages on fields that are invalid.
  • Added a Dark Mode theme to the UI that will react according to your browser's and system preferences.

Version 2.3.0, released 07/17/2023

Bug Fixes

  • No longer getting an error when a Pending Registration matches two members with the same name and birthdate (multiple member records for the same person).
  • No longer including Leaders in the count that determines if an Online Registration is waitlisted.
  • Fixed the issue where DB User's Display Options' "and logged in" checkbox did not update correctly.
  • No longer getting an error within the Members > Personal tab when editing an Archived member with no role.
  • Fixed the problem that prevented a New Year from getting set up correctly on a phone.
  • Now showing the Team Leader column according to display options in Club > Today > Awards > Total view.
  • Non-admin users can no longer edit Public Filters within the Member Filter dialog.
  • The Online Registration > Pending page no longer incorrectly shows the message about a member already being registered.


  • Updated to use latest version of Material Design specs.
  • After a new year has been created, the system will now automatically set the Online Registration's Active Club Year to that new year.
  • Rearranged the Parent Name and Parent Contact fields within the Registration Site's form, so parents no longer need to duplicate information entered.

Version 2.2.5, released 05/19/2023

Bug Fixes

  • No longer setting the leader service info for non-primary Leader roles, unless it's a student leader.
  • In the Members list, Grades and Club Names are now sorting in a logical order instead of alphabetically.
  • In Online Registration > Pending, no longer incorrectly matching to the wrong person when two members have the same last name and birthdays. (The second member in a set of twins was always matching to the first.)


  • Added a Waitlist feature, allowing you to set the max number of registrations that can be submitted before the waitlist kicks in. Any members who are registered outside of the Online Registration (Registered is checked and a date provided within the Role) will also be counted in the calculations.
  • On the Club > Year > Handbooks page, when showing the Awards Totals view, you can now set Display Options to show the list of members who earned or possibly will earn awards, under each total for the handbook awards. The list is alphabetized by first or last name, depending on if the "Show last name first" option is checked.
  • Added Allergies as a Display Option in the Members list and colored it red to stand out.
  • When adding a new member to the database that has the same name and birthdate as an existing member, the warning message will now remind you that you can search for the existing member using the top menu bar's Search button.
  • Added Team Leader as a column choice for Club > Today > Awards and Club > Year > Awards. You can now choose to sort by Team Leader, too.
  • You can now choose whether to sort the Members list ascending or descending.
  • Added an "Include VBS" option to the system settings. If it's checked, a VBS year will show as an option when selecting the Active Year on the Online Registration > Manage Site page. (In the future, it will allow you to set up a new year for VBS.)
  • When showing a long label for an Online Registrations's custom field, the label will now wrap instead of showing ellipses.
  • On the Online Registration > Manage Site page, a warning message about pre-registrations being read only will now show if the user selects a future year.
  • Now showing Club Name on the Online Registration > Pending and Accepted pages.
  • If the Student Leader position's In Use flag has been turned off (using the Windows App's Generic Lookup tables), the Web App will no longer show the Other Roles section for potential student leaders in Members > Personal > Edit.
  • The Members > Checkin page can now show a read-only list of a member's session information for the entire year. Toggle the view button to switch between the normal Today view and this new Year view. Use the Display Options to choose which columns get displayed.

Version 2.2.4, released 04/27/2023


  • Added a way to allow pre-registration, using the next club year before it has been set up.
  • Added a 'Has allergies' checkbox to the Online Registration form so that 'Allergic To' is only enabled and required (according to settings) if it's checked.
  • Added a School field to the Online Registration form.
  • The Online Registration form now can now include Medical Release, Photo Use Permission and Other Permission for the parent to read and sign electronically. You are able to customize the text of each on the Manage Site page once you select it to be visible.
  • Any text that parents enter during Online Registration will be updated to mixed case before saving. For example, JOHN SMITH or john smith will become John Smith.
  • In order for data entered into the Member record to be more consistent, the Online Registration's Parent(s) Name field is now separated into Parent 1 First Name, Parent 1 Last Name, Parent 2 First Name and Parent 2 Last Name. Those fields are then appropriately combined into a single Parent(s) Name when the registration is saved.
  • Added fuzzy logic to Pending registrations to show possible matches when some of the data matches. You can then choose whether or not the registration should be merged into one of the possible matches.
  • If the registration and an existing member's last names and birthdates match and the first name matches either first name or preferred name, the pending registration is an exact match and will be merged into the existing member when the registration is accepted.
  • If any existing members have the same birthdate and either same first/preferred name OR last name as the registration; OR they have a different birthdate but they have the same first/preferred name AND same last name; then the user will see a list of those possible matches to select from. 
  • if no names or birthdates match, a new member will be created when the pending registration is accepted.

Version 2.2.3, released 12/09/2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where some printed pages were blank when the printout contained multiple pages.

Version 2.2.2, released 08/17/2022

Bug Fixes

  • If a new role is created during online registration, its primary flag will now get correctly set to true.
  • Fixed an issue where club was not getting selected automatically when a grade that wasn't assigned to an age was selected.


  • Now showing an error message on the Online Registration Pending page if the club could not be determined by the birthdate/age and gender. This probably means that the grade or club assignments are not set up correctly, so the message prompts you to contact support so we can help get it straightened out. 

Version 2.2.1, released 06/26/2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Pending page's buttons weren't getting updated appropriately after edits.
  • When you add a new role to an Archived member on the Personal page, it can now populate the Check-in page correctly, without a refresh. 


  • Added an Is Active checkbox and Inactive Message field within the Online Registration's Manage Site page. This allows you to control whether or not the Online Registration site is available for parents to fill out.
  • Now providing a list of valid church names to choose from when editing a Pending Registration.

Version 2.2.0, released 06/24/2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Carrier dropdown menu could potentially not show when the Ok to Text box was checked.
  • Fixed an issue where the app would throw an error if a member that was created within the Household Module was shown within the Member Module's Personal tab before a refres.


  • Added the Online Registration Module which allows parents to register their children for Awana online. The church can customize the website that parents will see, then give them a url for registering. Pending registrations can be accepted as is or can be edited and merged with existing data.

Version 2.1.0, released 01/06/2022

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Net Points not getting calculated correctly in the Member List when the member had multiple roles/clubs.
  • No longer including Points Spent in a member's Session Point calculation.
  • Now preventing duplicate awards from being created when multiple sections are marked as completed quickly.
  • Fixed an issue where OkToText and Carrier info was not being cleared when a member's Contact Type was switched from being Cell Phone.


  • Added the Households Module which shows a list of households. A selected household will show general household info, contact info and member info within the Info tab. You can also add a new member to the household or reassign a member to a different household within the Info tab. The Ledger tab shows the household's Fees and Payments for the selected Club Year. You can add, delete or modify the fees and payments within the Ledger tab, including waiving fees within the Fee Dialog and zero'ing out a household's ledger balance within the Payment Dialog.
  • Added a global search button in the top menu bar to allow searching for a member by name without using filters and affecting the Member List.
  • There are now display options for DB Users so you can show or hide Active and/or Inactive users, along with sorting and displaying selected info.
  • Added sort options to Club > Year > Handbooks and to Club > Year > Awards.
  • The Members > Personal tab's read-only Household Info section now has Household and Other Member links (if you have permission to see it). Click on the household filing name to go to the Household Module's Info page. Click on a member's name to show all their details.
  • All of the various Display Options dialogs now have a Save button with popup options (if you have admin permissions) that allow you to set the options as the system default so that any users who don't have their own display options set will use them. You can also choose to delete any existing user's options to force them to use the default ones until they override them again.
  • Now showing the book completion date when editing a completed book.

Version 2.0.3, released 08/30/2021

Bug Fixes

  • No longer allowing a role's club name to be null, even if the role is Inactive or Archived, since this causes other issues down the road with editing roles and session records.
  • Fixed the issue with not being able to add a new Church, School, Team Name or Role Position when there weren't any initially to choose from.
  • When adding a new member, if you type something in the Church or Team Name field then delete it, you will no longer get an error message after clicking the Add button.


  • When setting up a new year, the club year that gets derived will now always add one year to the start date instead of using the end date's year. (So, if you skip a year and just need to create a "dummy" year to handle promotions, you can now add a couple of weeks to the year and the club year will still look normal.)

Version 2.0.2, released 08/25/2021

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the app logo from getting saved as the icon on phone and tablet home pages, when "Add to Home Screen" feature was used. 


  • Made some adjustments to the icon saved on device home pages, so that it fits and looks good with any of the various shapes and sizes.

Version 2.0.1, released 08/24/2021

Bug Fixes

  • The Personal page (in read and edit mode) will now load correctly for a member who does not have any roles.
  • Fixed an issue with updating the role type in a new role for a previously archived member.


  • Made some changes so that reloading the app after a version change should always work as expected post-2.0.1. Note, if nothing happens when clicking the login button, refresh the app then try again. Or, if it seems like the app is in an endless loop with the dialog popping up to reload a new version of the app, just let the dialog stay up for 3-5 seconds before clicking the Ok button. That will allow the cache to be cleared before loading the app again. This wait will not be necessary in the next release, given changes in this version. If neither of those work, clear your browser's cache and try again -- that seems to always fix the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Version 2.0.0, released 08/19/2021

We've rewritten the entire app using the latest web technology, which has increased performance and will allow for quicker development in the future. While we have done our best to eliminate any bugs in this rewrite, there is a chance we have introduced some issues. Please let us know if you find something that is no longer working how you'd expect. These are bug fixes and improvements that were made during this rewrite, since version 1.6.15.

Bug Fixes

  • The user menu now updates correctly if the current user's first name is changed from within the My Account dialog or within the Edit page in DB Users.
  • If a DB User is edited and becomes Inactive, the "Became inactive" date is now displayed correctly.
  • Points Spent are no longer inaccurately deducted from the session's Points. (Points Spent should only affect a member's Net Points.)
  • Points are immediately updated for attendance that is automatically marked, due to handbook sections or other check-in items being marked.
  • When setting up a new year, the "Include TK" and "Default TK" checkboxes will now default to the previous year's settings, if available.
  • Archiving a member who has multiple roles via the Delete Member no longer causes an error.
  • If the member with multiple roles is deleted, all roles will now be removed from the list so it no longer hangs.
  • If archived members are showing in the member list and the last member in the list is archived, the member will now stay selected.
  • The DB User's Delete button is now disabled when the currently logged in user is selected, to prevent error messages from popping up.
  • Now preventing the last active admin user from getting deleted or from becoming inactive or non-admin.
  • Now preventing '/' in a club name when setting up a New Year so won't get errors when it's used in file paths.
  • No longer see black blocks sometimes when printing the Member List using Safari.


  • Added a "Back" button when the About, Privacy Policy or Terms of Service pages are showing, to easily get back to the Club, Members or Db Users page you were previously viewing.
  • Your DB User list will now be updated with a user's latest data when it is selected, in case it was changed by another user.
  • The correct Last Logout date is now displayed immediately when the "Log User Out" button is clicked for a DB User.
  • The layout on small screens for the Club > Year > Handbooks page looks better.
  • Now updating the Household Filing Name when a member's first or last name changes, for the Windows App to use 

1.6 Release Notes