The Household Info page is used to track information related to the household including Parent Name/s, Non-parent pickup details, and Church affiliation, as well as Contact Information (address, phone numbers and email addresses) and details about Members.
The Households module can be used to streamline steps for registration, such as updating contact information, assigning handbooks, assigning uniforms, creating fees, and posting payments.
Tap/click the Print button to print the household's information.
The information listed below is initially shown as read-only text. (Note: Only fields with data will be shown on the read-only page, but all are included in edit mode.) Tap/click the Edit buttonto add or change information. Then use the Save Changes button
to save the changes. Or use the Done or Discard Changes button
to leave edit mode without saving the changes.
Household Information:
- Parent/Guardian Name(s)
- Church Name (a user with Admin permissions will be able to add new church names; other users can select from an existing list, typing several characters to filter the list)
- Non-parent pickup
- Status (read-only, determined by various Member Statuses)
Contact information:
- Street Address, City, State, Postal Code
- Phone and email contacts (use the
buttons to add and delete contact info)
Members: (read-only)
- Name (links to Member records*)
- Gender
- Birth Date / Age
- Member Status
- Code
- Current Uniform
- Current Handbooks
- Is Registered icon
- Club icon
- Team Color icon
- Actions Button
- shows the list of actions available for the selected member:
- Register - sets the member's registration flag to true and the registration date to the current date; the status is changed to Active; for clubbers, it creates any applicable Fee for Dues; and sets the various Permission forms according to System Settings.
- Set [status] - updates the status of the selected member to the chosen option. (May also update the status of the household, if applicable.)
- Archive - archives the selected member. (May also update the status of the household, if applicable.)
- Assign to a different Household - opens a dialog with options for assigning the selected member to an existing household or creating a new household.
- Assign Handbook - opens the Assign Handbook dialog
- Edit Member - opens the member's Personal page in edit mode within the HH module. This can be used for updating the uniform information as well as any additional personal information, such as allergies, etc. When the member's personal page is saved/closed, the HH > Info page is displayed.