The Ledger page is used to manage all of the fees and payments assigned to a household, as well as showing a running balance. Type any part of the description in the search field to filter which items are showing in the list. (Note that the balance will not be shown when the list is filtered by either the search field or the display options.)

Households > Ledger toolbar:

Assign handbookAdd a Payment – opens a dialog to enter the new payment information:

  • Payment Type – select the type of payment received. (Account Credit can be used to adjust a household's balance when payment cannot be collected, to zero out their balance. The other choices are for the various types of payments made.)
  • Amount – enter the amount of the payment. (Only decimal numbers are accepted; it will be formatted to two decimal places automatically.)
  • Date – enter the date the payment was received.
  • Reference/Check # – enter any reference info relevant to the payment. 
  • Payor - enter any name or choose a name that has been previously used as a Payor. (It will default to the last Payor used.)
  • Notes - enter any notes to save with the payment.

Assign handbookAdd a Fee – opens a dialog to choose which fee to add:

  • Member – select the member this fee is for.
  • Item - select the fee item. (Type a few characters of the item number or description to filter the list of fees.)
  • Amount – enter the amount of the payment. (Only decimal numbers are accepted; it will be formatted to two decimal places automatically.)
  • Waive this fee - check this box if the fee should be waived, meaning its cost will not be calculated in the household balance.
  • Apply a Discount to this fee - check this box to discount the amount of the fee, meaning its cost will be reduced by the discount amount entered. This can be used to reduce fees for multiple members in a family or for early registration discounts.
  • Received - check this box if the member has received this fee item and select the date the item was received.
  • Notes - enter any notes to save with the fee.

Remove handbookDelete Ledger Item – deletes the selected fee or payment.

Edit handbookEdit Ledger Item – opens a dialog to change the fee or payment details. The content of each dialog is the same as its Add dialog.

Edit handbookBalance Ledger by adding an Account Credit button - creates an Account Credit type of payment that will result in a $0 balance for the household ledger.

Show display optionsShow Display Options  opens the Ledger Options dialog to customize which fees and/or payments are shown on the Ledger page. Filter which records are shown by checking the Show ledger items that are checkbox. Select fees to show only fees, then check and waived to show only fees that are waived. Select payments to show only payments. You can also choose to Show Item or Ref Number column by checking that box. Leaving that checkbox unchecked will save space on small screens.

Show display optionsPrint  opens the Print dialog with a printer friendly view of the Ledger page.