There is not much functionality on this page. It shows the list of registrations that have been accepted into the "real" database for the currently selected club year. (Changing the selected Club Year will show a different list of clubbers who registered in that selected year.)
The one exception to this is if registrations are being accepted for a new club year (that hasn't been set up yet). In that case, there will be a checkbox to show the accepted registrations for the new club year. Until that new year is set up, registrations cannot be accepted, so this list will be empty. The box can be unchecked to show registrations for the current year. Once the new year is set up, registrations can be accepted, and they will be displayed on this page as registrations for the current year.
If a member's registration is listed on the Accepted page, it indicates they registered online and shows whether or not they were a "New" member or if they were "Matched" to an existing member and merged into the "real" database.
Details for the registration are shown once it is selected, including Member Info, Medical Info, Permissions, Household Info and Contact Info. Note that these details may not be exactly what the parent entered, since it could have been edited on the Pending page before it was accepted.
Search – locate a registration in the list by typing part of the name. This will limit the list to only registrations for members who have a name (or part of a name) matching the text in the search box. To return to the complete list of registrations, clear the text in the box.
Make Member Pending* – sets the clubber as inactive in the main database, sets the registration field to false and clears the registration date. This action requires you to confirm by marking a checkbox to enable the Make Pending button.