This is the website that parents see when they use the link that you provide. They will be able to enter the necessary information to register their child as a clubber in your Awana club. If they have multiple children, they can use the "Register a member in the same household" button to populate the same household information for the subsequent clubbers.

Most of the fields on this page, including the image, title, welcome, and confirmation texts, are customizable using the settings on the Online Registration > Manage Site page.

The Landing Page of the site is a welcome page, showing the customizable image and text. Here is an example:

The fields that are visible and required on the registration form are determined by the settings on the Online Registration > Manage Site page. Here is an example of what the form could look like, depending on the customized settings:


In order to help normalize the data getting accepted into the "real" member and household records, the text in the registration form will be changed to mixed case. For example, JOHN or john would be updated to John before saving. Also, the various parent name fields will be used to create the Parent(s) field that gets saved in the "real" household record.

Once a clubber has been registered successfully, a confirmation page with a customized confirmation message is show. Here is an example:

The parent will have options to Register a member in the same household, Register a member for a different household, or be Done. If registering in the same household, the previously entered household information is pre-populated for the next clubber and the fields are disabled.  If registering for a different household, the registration page is cleared for a new member and household to be entered. If Done is clicked, there is a message indicating the page can be closed.

The new registration should now show within the AWdb's Online Registration > Pending page. 

Note: If an invalid customer number and/or code is used in the Online Registration site, this message is shown: Ask your Awana leader for the registration link specific to your church in order to register online.