The Club Module includes functionality related to the entire Awana Club or groups within the club. To show it, selectClub in the Left Side Navigation. Any of the Club pages/lists can be printed by tapping/clicking the Print button
at the top of the page. There are 4 pages within this module:
TODAY – shows summary information for the Current Club Date as set in the Top Menu Bar. These pages are intended for use at the beginning or end of club:
Attendance – lists the number of Clubbers (with visitor count in parenthesis) and Leaders in attendance for each club, including totals by club and by member type.
Awards* – Use the Show Display Options buttonto choose: which type of awards to show; whether to include entrance booklets; whether to show received or not received awards; which columns to show; and how to sort members. Use the list toggle button to display either:
Member Awards - lists members who earned awards including the award earned, description of what was completed, and the received status. [Note: awards can be marked as received directly within the list.] Or,
Award Totals - lists a count of each type of award earned. This is useful for pulling awards from inventory to pass out at the end of club.
Birthdays* – Use the Show Display Options buttonto choose to show birthdays for the week or month and to sort by either Birth Date or Club. When showing dates for the week, it lists members with a birth date between the selected club date and the next club date. When showing dates for the month, it lists members with a birth date any time in the month, no matter which week during the month is selected. Also, if the selected date is the last club date or month of the year, the list will include summer birthdates.
Team Points* – lists the Total Points, Average Points, and # Members (# in attendance / total #) for each team grouping selection and provides a field to enter Team Points for each selected grouping that are not assigned to the individuals on the team. Use the Show Display Options buttonto choose grouping options and whether to sort by Average Points or Total Points.
Visitors* – Use the list toggle button to display either:
Visitor List*- lists any members who are visiting, including the club they attended and "guest of" information. Visitors do not need to have been a guest of another member in order to show in this list. NOTE: The list of visitors will include those added on the check-in page using the Add a Visitor button
, added using the New Member dialog and specifying "Is a Visitor", or marked as attending by checking Club Attendance for a member with a status of Visitor.
Brought By List* - lists each member who brought a visitor, including their club name and the name of the visitor they brought. Visitors who were not a guest of another member will not show in this list. NOTE: The list of members who brought visitors will include those whose "Guest of" was set when adding a visitor using the New Member dialog or using the Add a Visitor button
on the check-in page.
YEAR – shows year-to-date information for the Current Club Year as set in the Top Menu Bar.
Attendance – Use the list toggle button to display either:
Attendance Totals - shows a graph with total attendance by week. Use the Show Display Options button
to choose: whether to group by Club Name or Role Type; whether or not to include Leaders, Clubbers, and/or Visitors; and where to show the legend for the graph.
Member Attendance* - lists each member along with their attendance ratio, the first and last date they attended, and the number of visitors they've brought. Use the Show Display Options button
to choose additional columns to show and select sorting options.
Awards* – lists all the awards earned for each member. Use the Show Display Options buttonto choose: which type of awards to show; whether to include entrance booklets; to show received or not received awards; which columns to show; and how to sort members. You may especially find it useful to show any awards that are Not Received so that those awards can be given to the clubber. You can then mark that the award was received directly within the Awards list.
Handbooks* – Use the Show Display Options buttonto specify a minimum percentage that must be completed in order for the book to show in the list and whether to include entrance booklets. Use the list toggle button to display either:
Member Handbooks - lists any handbook in which a member has completed a section (in the current club year) and shows the percent completed for required sections, percent completed for each type of extra credit section, and which award will be earned once the book is completed. If the book is already completed, the award earned is shown along with whether or not it was received. You can then mark that the award was received or not directly within the Handbooks list. Use the Show Display Options button
to choose additional columns to show and select sorting options.
Award Totals - lists a count of each type of book award earned and a count of those where it is possible it may be earned along with a Total count. This is useful for knowing how many book awards to order near the end of the club year. Just be sure to set the Minimum Percentage Completed in the Display Options to show only the books that you'd expect to be completed by the end of the year. Use the Show Display Options button
to choose to show a list of the names of members who earned and/or could possibly earn each award.
INFO** – shows basic club information along with the address, phone numbers, email, etc. for the church and local Awana missionary. It defaults to showing a read only version of the information, but users with Edit permission for Club Info can click the Edit buttonto update and save any of the information.
SETUP** – shows setup information for the selected club for:
Calendar** – lists all of the sessions for the selected club's calendar including the Quarter designation, Week Number, Theme and Notes. A calendar session can be for a Club Date, which correlates to check-in records for members, or a non-Club Date, such as leadership meetings, Bible Quizzing, or Awana Games. Depending on permission settings, a user can add sessions to or remove sessions from the club's calendar. Only the session's Quarter, Theme and Notes can be edited. If the session needs to be switched to/from a non-Club Date or if a date needs to be changed, the old session record must be deleted and a new one created.
TIP: For clubs that share the same calendar: when adding, deleting, or editing a calendar session for one club, specify the other clubs to also be changed.
Points** – lists the selected club's point values for check-in items and handbook sections. Depending on permission settings, a user can edit the point values along with the names of the two custom check-in fields. As check-in items and handbook sections are marked for a member, these point values will be used to automatically calculate the member's session points for the current club date and the net total for the club year. The points used will be determined by the club the member is assigned to on the current club date.
TIP: Try to set point values before the first club date and not change them. Points are set per club year, so if the values are updated mid-year, all members' points are recalculated to use the new point values, including past sessions within the year. This could potentially change the outcome of team winners on past club dates.
* The active Member Filter is applied to this list; by using a filter, the list is narrowed down to show only details relevant to the set filter.
** Permission settings may affect this page beyond the descriptions in this article. See DB Users Permissions for details.