Related video: How to process Pending Online Registrations

The Pending page shows the list of registrations that have been entered by parents in the selected club year. Generally, this is the currently set up club year. If you are allowing pre-registrations for a club year that is not yet set up, there will be a checkbox in the top menu bar to select to Show {next year} for pre-registration. Registrations shown for the next year are read only. Once the next year's calendar is created and set up, registrations can be edited and accepted.

The Pending Registration list shows the date that the registration was created and whether or not the member matches an existing member in the database or is new. For a new member, it shows whether or not the given household information matches one in the database. A member is matched based on last name, first/preferred name, suffix and birth date. A household is matched based on street address and postal code.

Search toolSearch – locate a registration in the list by typing part of the name. This will limit the list to only registrations for members who have a name (or part of a name) matching the text in the search box. To return to the complete list of registrations, clear the text in the box.

Delete memberMove to Waitlist  moves the selected registration to the Waitlist, so it will show in the list on the Waitlist page, unless its status gets changed back to Pending. (Tip: Options for automatically adding registrations to the Waitlist are found on the Manage Site page.)

Delete memberDelete Registration  deletes the selected registration from the database. This requires a confirmation since it cannot be undone!

Details for the registration are shown once it is selected, including Member Info, Medical Info, Permissions, Household Info, and Contact Info. If the registration information matches an existing member already in the database, and they have conflicting information for a piece of data, there will be options for merging the differences. For example, if the registration says John goes to Asbury church, but the existing data shows Asbury United Methodist, there will be a checkbox for "Asbury United Methodist" with the option to keep that existing data instead. If the box is left unchecked, the data provided by the parent will be used. If the box is checked, it will keep the existing data. This should make it easier to keep existing data accurate.

If there was not a full match to a current member (based on Birth Date, Last Name, First/Preferred Name, Suffix), but a partial match was found, an option is given to use a potential match along with a dropdown list of current members that are potential matches. Once a partially matched member is selected, the options for merging any differences are the same as above.

The registration data may be edited before accepting it or accepted with what's displayed on the read-only page (including any 'Keep Existing Info Instead' data).

Any information listed below that was provided on the registration form is initially shown as read-only text. (Note: Only fields with data will be shown on the read-only page, but all are included in edit mode.)  

Member information:

  • Title, First Name, Last Name, Suffix, Preferred Name
  • Gender, Birth Date (Age is calculated based on birth date), Grade
  • Clubber's Email and Cell Phone
  • Club Name
  • School

Medical information:

  • Has Special needs
  • Allergic to [allergies]
  • Last Tetanus Shot
  • Doctor and Dentist info
  • Insurance info
  • Other medical info


  • Medical Release
  • Photo Use Permission
  • Other Permission

Household information:

  • Parent(s)
  • Church (If the church name doesn't already exist in the database, it will be added.)
  • Non-parent pickup
  • Street Address, City, State, Postal Code
  • Household Email and Home Phone

Contact information:

  • Parent 1, Parent 2, and Emergency contact information

To change the data that will be accepted into the "real" database, tap/click the Edit button*Edit memberto edit the information. Then use the Save Changes buttonSave changesto save the changes. Or use the Done or Discard Changes buttonCancel changesto leave edit mode without saving the changes. Once all the data looks good, either before or after editing, tap/click the Add and Register button Add new memberfor new members or the Update and Register button Save changesfor existing members to merge the registration data into the "real" database and register them for the selected club year.

Registering a member includes creating an Active role and annual dues fee for the current club year. It will also set the registration flag to true and the registration date to today's date, along with setting the permission flags for any permission that has an electronic signature. (Note that the defaults in System Settings for waivers/permissions will not be used when accepting online registrations.)