This video shows how to accept, edit, or delete the pending registrations on the Online Registration Module's Pending page. (Created using version 2.2)

Changes for version 2.2.4: 

When a registration is accepted, the permissions are no longer set based on system defaults since the online registration form can now accept explicit permissions for Medical Release, Photo Use and an 'Other' permission. Permissions will be set based on the registration form's data.

In addition to Matched or New clubbers, a new 'Possible' match option has been added when the member's data meets two of the three match criteria (First Name, Last Name and Birth Date). An option will be given to indicate this possible matched member should be explicitly matched to an existing member before continuing with the registration.

Any text that parents enter during Online Registration will be updated to mixed case before saving. For example, JOHN SMITH or john smith will become John Smith. This should reduce the need to edit data before accepting the registration.