
A collection of videos to show features of the AWdb Web App. Many of these videos were made with an older release of the web app, but you may still find them useful since many features are the same. The latest releases are at the top of the list.

General Info on the Approved Workman Cloud Database
Our Cloud Database (previously known as the Web Solution) includes a Web App (previously known as the Browser App) and a Windows App (previously known as t...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 at 12:23 PM
General Tour of the Web App
This video will show you most of the Web App's features by going through each module and describing the functionality of each page. Learn how it can st...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 at 12:22 PM
General Tour of the Windows App
This video will show you most of the Windows App's features by going through some main menu options and each module. Besides learning about many of its...
Mon, 8 Jan, 2024 at 12:27 PM
Tour of Online Registration Module
This video gives you a quick look at the Online Registration Module, along with the Online Registration Website for parents to use to register their child....
Thu, 4 May, 2023 at 12:00 PM
How to customize the Online Registration Site (Manage Site page)
This video shows how to use the Online Registration Module's Manage Site page to customize the Online Registration Website for parents to use to regist...
Thu, 4 May, 2023 at 11:52 AM
How to process Pending Online Registrations
This video shows how to accept, edit, or delete the pending registrations on the Online Registration Module's Pending page. (Created using version 2.2)...
Thu, 4 May, 2023 at 11:37 AM
Tour of the Club Module
This video gives you a quick look of all the pages and features within the Club Module. Created using version 1.6
Thu, 21 Nov, 2019 at 3:19 PM
Before Setting up a New Year
Before setting up a new year, we recommend that you archive any members who you know will not be returning next year. We also recommend that you set the g...
Tue, 18 Jun, 2024 at 6:01 PM
How to setup a new year (using one meeting day and last year's defaults)
This video will show you how to setup a new club year that will meet on a single day of the week and will use the same club names and assignments that were...
Fri, 20 Jul, 2018 at 9:56 AM
How to setup a new year (using two meeting days and updating clubs)
This video will show you how to setup a new club year that will meet on two different days of the week and will update the club names and assignments from ...
Fri, 20 Jul, 2018 at 9:58 AM