The AW Cloud Database can be used to track data for VBS clubs.
Before setting up the database for VBS, be sure to finish entering data for the current club year. To add a VBS year that does not yet exist in the Top Menu Bar's Club Year dropdown menu:
1. Click on the Username and select "System Settings" (admins only) from the dropdown menu. At the bottom of the dialog, check the box for VBS or Camp: "Include VBS and Camp options when setting up a new club year". Click OK.
2. Select "Setup new year" from the Club Year dropdown menu. The dialog will say "Setup the '20xx-20yy' club year" at the top, but under "Select the year to create", use the drop-down to select VBS 20xx. Continue through the setup steps to create the VBS club names, calendar, and club assignments.
- If this is your first time setting up VBS: role records for VBS will be created from the records in the Awana club year that was just completed. GRADES WILL NOT BE PROMOTED for VBS. (Grades will be promoted when the next Awana year is setup.)
- If you have a prior VBS set up:
- role records will be created from the prior VBS year records, not the Awana club year records. Clubber's grades will be promoted from the grade in the last VBS year.
- you may see an option to archive clubbers during the setup process. This is a list of members (clubbers first, then leaders) who were INACTIVE and DID NOT ATTEND during the previous VBS. It is generally a good idea to archive these members.
- Any members without a role record will have a person status of 'archived'. IF YOU CAN NOT FIND A MEMBER THAT YOU BELIEVE IS IN THE DATABASE, read the How do I find a "missing" member? FAQ to learn how to locate the member and create a role. PLEASE DO NOT IGNORE THE WARNING THAT THE MEMBER ALREADY EXISTS WHEN CREATING A NEW MEMBER, since it will create a duplicate member who will not be aware of the existing member's attendance and handbook records.