How-to Guides

Articles describing how to do certain tasks within the Web App

Setup a Brand New Database
For a brand-new database, not migrating data from a current Legacy database, follow these steps: 1. Set the admin password The first time you log ...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 10:17 AM
Setup a New Club Year
Related videos: How to setup a new year (using one meeting day and last year's defaults) or How to setup a new year (using two meeting days and updating...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 10:45 AM
Setup the Database for VBS
The AW Cloud Database can be used to track data for VBS clubs. Before setting up the database for VBS, be sure to finish entering data for the current c...
Tue, 4 Jun, 2024 at 12:57 PM
Enter historical handbook information
When beginning to use AWdb, it's important to enter old book information for clubbers to accurately reflect if a clubber is currently working in the mid...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 11:12 AM
Import Data into AWdb
If your church has a separate database that can export registration or person data in a Microsoft Excel or .CSV format, the Windows App's Data Import to...
Tue, 4 Jun, 2024 at 12:47 PM
Manage Online Registrations
1. Customize the Online Registration Site. The registration website will include the forms that allow parents to register their child(ren) for Awana, along...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 12:09 PM
Manage walkup or paper registrations
While there are various ways to go about entering an Awana family's information during walkup registrations or from a paper registration, we recommend s...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 12:14 PM
Clean up list of Church and School Names
When using the Online Registration feature within AWdb, it's better if there are not multiple variations for the same church or school for parents to se...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 2:55 PM