For a brand-new database, not migrating data from a current Legacy database, follow these steps:
The first time you log in, you will be prompted to change the admin password. Enter your email address and click 'Change Password'. This will send a Password Change email. Within 10 minutes, use the 'Change your Password' button provided in the email to enter and confirm the new password. Once the password change is completed, continue setting up the club calendars as described below. The next time you log in, use the new password. (Note: if the password change email expires before the password is changed, the next time you log in - with the original password - it will prompt you again and send another email. It's important to change this password, so please do so in a timely manner.)
2. Setup club calendars
Details for creating the club calendars can be found in the Setup a New Club Year article. The dialog that appears after selecting "Setup new year" is the same as the one for a new set up, with a few minor exceptions.
3. Make additional calendar changes
Within the Club Module, on the Setup > Calendar page, review the calendar records for each club using the dropdown list of clubs at the top of the page. Tap/click the Edit Session button
for a selected date to make changes such as adjusting the quarter or adding a theme or note. Changes can be applied to other clubs that have the same calendar at the same time using the "Select Clubs" dropdown menu.

4. Update club points
Within the Club Module, on the Setup > Points page, review the default points for each club using the dropdown list of clubs at the top of the page. To make changes, enter the number of points for each item. There are two fields that may be renamed for customized use on the Members > Check-in page. The same custom fields are used by all clubs.
5. Add club info
Within the Club Module, on the Info page, tap/click the Edit Club Info button
to enter your club and church information as well as contact information for your Local Awana Missionary.

6. Set system settings
Tap/Click on the Username in the Top Menu Bar and select "System Settings". Review the various options and make selections. These settings apply to all users. [There are additional system setting options in the Windows App. Most apply to items in the Windows App only, such as reports. Some may also apply to items in the Web App such as fee creation and inventory defaults. It's a good idea to review default settings in the Windows App under the Admin tab.]
7. Setup user accounts
Create user accounts within the DB Users Module. Each person that uses the database should have a user account (including yourself). Do NOT create generic log-ins such as 'Sparks'. There can be more user accounts than your subscription's max, but the number of users able to log in at one time is limited by your subscription. (Users will create their own passwords the first time they log in. After entering the customer number and username, they should click 'Forgot password' on the log in screen. Passwords can be changed by clicking on the Username in the Top Menu Bar and selecting "My Account".) To limit access to certain data for a user, update the Permissions accordingly.
8. Add members
On the member list toolbar within the Members Module, tap/click the Add New Member button
to enter clubbers and leaders. Additional information may be added later on the Members > Personal page. For student leaders, add them initially as clubbers, then later use the "Add as a Student Leader" button within the Other Role Info section on the Members > Personal page to add their leader information.

9. Customize Check-in items
On the Members > Check-in page, use the Show Display Options button
to open the Check-in Options dialog and select which check-in items to display. If you are using the customizable fields and did not rename them in step 4 above, you can also rename them within the Check-in Options dialog. The display options for the Check-in page are set per user to allow different check-in items for different clubs.

10. Assign handbooks to members
Within the Members Module, select a member from the list, then select the Books tab. Use the Assign Handbook button
to assign a book to the member. (If the book is not listed in the default list of books, use the Change Handbook List button
then choose to display additional items.)