The Members Module includes functionality related to individual members of your Awana club. To show it, selectMembers in the Left Side Navigation. (This module will be hidden if a user's permission for Members is set to No Access.) Once selected, a list of members is displayed. This list can be filtered using the Show Member Filters button
on the Top Menu Bar. (Learn more about filtering.)
Member List toolbar:
Search – locate a member in the list by typing part of the name. This will limit the list to only members who have a name (or part of a name) matching the text in the search box. To return to the complete list of members, clear the text in the box.
Add New Member* – opens the Add New Member dialog for adding a member as a Clubber or a Leader. The new member may be identified as a visitor, associated as a guest of a current member, and/or associated as a member of an existing household. Enter basic personal information such as Name, Gender, Birth Date, and Grade. The Club Name can be determined based on the grade and gender. A Team Color, Team Name, and/or Team Leader may be assigned. Parent and Emergency Contact information may be added as well as Household information such as address information, Family Church and a Non-parent pickup. To set additional personal information, use the member's Personal tab after the member is added.
If you add a member whose data does not match the current filter or who meets on a day other than the Current Club Date, you will be notified that the new member will not appear in the member list.
You can watch the How to add a new member video to learn more about adding new members.
Delete Member* – deletes the selected member and all related data from the database. This will delete all attendance, visit, handbook, award, and payment records associated with the selected member. It will also delete the household and its related data (including contacts) if the deleted member is the only member in the household. This action requires you to confirm by marking a checkbox to enable the Delete button.
TIP: To preserve historical information, it is recommended to NOT DELETE members who have associated data. It could affect past attendance and visitor records. Instead, click the Archive button on the confirmation dialog to update the member's status, then, use the Member Filters to limit the statuses shown in the Member list.
Print – opens the Print dialog with a printer friendly view of the member list.
Show Display Options – opens the Member List Options dialog to customize the information shown in the Member List using these selections:
Show Only members who are either PRESENT or ABSENT. Check the box and select a condition to limit the list based on attendance for the selected club date.
Sort Members by up to three criteria. Select from the following options to determine the order in which the members are displayed in the list, also specifying whether the sort order should be ascending or descending:
Club Attendance
Club Name
External ID
Last Name
Net Points
Preferred Name
Role Position
Role Type
Session Points
Team Color
Team Leader
Team Name
Display up to three pieces of information for each member. Select from the following options:
Allergies (shown in red)
Club Name**
External ID
Has paid dues in full**
Is Registered**
Net Points
Role Position**
Role Type**
Session Points**
Team Color**
Team Leader**
Team Name**
Choose to show (check) or not show (uncheck) the following items:
Attendance Indicator -
(or orange square around photo, if shown)
Registration Indicator -
Dues Paid in Full Indicator -
Flag Icon -
(with flag filled with appropriate color)
Club Icon -
(with icon representing the appropriate club)
Team Color Icon -
(with circle filled with appropriate color)
Show last name first
You can also watch the How to use the member list display options video to learn more about customizing the information shown in the member list.
Member Details:
Once a member is selected, the member's details are shown within tabbed pages. The following information is also listed above the tabs: the member's name, points earned for the current club date (today), and the cumulative points for the entire club year (net).
Read the following articles to learn more about each of the Member Detail pages:
* Permission settings may prevent this from showing. See DB Users Permissions for details.
** This information is specific to the Current Club Year or Date selected in the Top Menu Bar. For example, if a member switches to a new team mid-year, selecting a date before the switch will show the historical team information as it was on that date. Selecting a date after the switch will show the new team information.